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Making It: DJ Peters, Los Angeles Dodgers

Making It: DJ Peters, Los Angeles Dodgers
Be respectful and stay true to who you are, these are just some of the things young Dodgers Prospect DJ Peters had to say in this entry of Baseballism Making It.
1. Who are you, where are you from, and who do you play for currently?
My name is DJ Peters and I was born and raised in Glendora, California. For those of you who may not know where Glendora is, it is about 30 miles outside of Los Angeles.  I am a professional baseball player in the Los Angeles Dodgers Organization and I am currently playing for the Ogden Raptors, in Ogden, Utah. 
2. Name one thing you love about baseball.
There are many things I love about this beautiful game of baseball, but one thing that really sticks out to me is the fact that you're a team and that the team comes before yourself. Without your teammates, you wouldn't be able to be who you are or the player you are. Your teammates and coaches help you become an overall better baseball player and person. 
3. What characteristic do you have (besides physical ability) that you feel has helped you make it this far in baseball?
A lot goes into this game and this game will eat you alive if you don't have fun with it, while enjoying the ride. Be true to who you are and never forget who you are or where you came from. Always be respectful and care for other, as they will respect and care for you. Meaning, treat people how you would want to be treated. 
4. Name one person in your life (past or present) that impacted your baseball life the most, and how did they impact it?
There are two people who have impacted my life in a big way, not only in baseball but as a man. Those two people are my father and my grandfather. They have taught me everything I know about this game, how to act, how to treat people and how to present yourself in a professional fashion. 
5. What motivates you when you're having a down day, or a day where you may not want to go to work?
Different things motivate different people. The one thing that motivates me every single day is the fact that I get to play a game that I love for a living. There is absolutely no stress who I am on the baseball field. To me... It's all play, no work. It's fun and you're suppose to have fun. If you are not having fun or enjoying what you do day after day, you should consider doing something else.  
6. If a kid came up to you and asked you 'how do I become a professional baseball player?', what would be your short answer?
A lot of hard work, dedication, desire, determination and the will to be a champion, no matter how long it takes. In order to do or become these things, you must be willing to do things others are not willing to do. 
7. Name one lesson you take from baseball that you have applied to your off the field life.
Live everyday and play every game like its  going to be your last one, because nobody is promised another game or even another day in this life. 
8. Name one superstition you have (baseball or not baseball related).
Having a routine, whether it's on the field or off the field and sticking to it. 
9. What are your baseball goals this year?
Seeing that season is coming to a close and we are now in the postseason, I would say to go and win a ring!