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Making It: Joey Hawkins, St. Louis Cardinals

Making It: Joey Hawkins, St. Louis Cardinals

We asked professional baseball players what motivates them and what their goals are. This is what they said:

1. Who are you, where are you from, and who do you play for currently?
Joey Hawkins
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
St. Louis Cardinals Minor Leaguer 
2. Name one thing you love about baseball.
My favorite thing about baseball is that no matter what, there are 27 outs to complete. It doesn't matter if you are up by 10 runs, you still have to give the other team a shot to beat you. Unlike other sports, where you can take a knee, run out the clock, or ice the puck, you have to still go one on one with the hitter and the pitcher and let the best man win. It's truly competitive and like no other sport.
3. What characteristic do you have (besides physical ability) that you feel has helped you make it this far in baseball?
I've always been a big "team guy" and a leader. I always enjoyed putting my teammates first and creating a good culture in the locker room. For me that always pays off and transitions onto the field.
4. Name one person in your life (past or present) that impacted your baseball life the most, and how did they impact it.
It has to be my parents. I can never thank them enough for all the rides to games and practices and equipment they bought me growing up. But more importantly the support they gave me from the time I started playing till now. I've faced adversity, struggles, and being home sick but they have always found a way to remind me that I'm meant to be playing this game of baseball. No matter how good you are at this game you can never have enough support and my parents always supplied me with plenty.
5. If a kid came up to you and asked you 'how do I become a professional baseball player?', what would be your short answer?
Treat people and the game with respect. Play the game hard with a smile on your face.Show up early, stay late and always work hard to prove yourself that you belong in pro ball. 
6. Name one lesson you take from baseball that you have applied to your off the field life.
Good or bad never take a day for granted. Everyday is opportunity to take advantage of something, whether it's being a better player, person, or student. 
7. Name one superstition you have (baseball or not baseball related).
Try and hit some homers in batting practice. 
8. What are your baseball goals this year?
Trust my abilities every single day and be as consistent as possible. This game can beat you up mentally and I personally witnessed that last year. My goal is to put everyday behind me good or bad and get ready to take advantage of the next day.